Banner: Violence Prevention in partnership with the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention

Other Youth Topics


  1. Youth Topics
  2. Violence Prevention
  3. National Forum On Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Boston

National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Boston

In Boston, violence is concentrated within small sections of inner city neighborhoods.  Gun violence occurred in 5.1% of Boston’s geography, but generated 53% of fatal and near-fatal shootings.  A growing number of Boston homicides are gang-related, and drugs are playing an increasing role. 

Through interagency communication and information-sharing, civic engagement conducted citywide, and multidisciplinary and data driven strategies, Boston is working to prevent youth violence.  Boston has a vision for reductions in youth violence, opportunities for youth and their families, and an improved quality of life.

Point of Contact:

Jennifer Maconochie
Director, Strategic Initiatives & Policies,
Office of the Police Commissioner, Boston Police Department
(617) 343-4904
