Banner: Violence Prevention in partnership with the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention

Other Youth Topics


  1. Youth Topics
  2. Violence Prevention
  3. National Forum On Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Baltimore

National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Baltimore

The overarching purpose of the B’More for Youth! Plan is to support positive youth development and career trajectories in Baltimore City and to prevent violence affecting youth. Moreover, the plan is fundamentally about shifting the “Cradle to Prison Pipeline” to a “Cradle to Career Pipeline.”

The B’More for Youth! Collaborative emerged out of a multi-sector planning process, which is part of Baltimore City’s participation in the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention (the Forum) and the UNITY City Network (UNITY). The intent of this process and the implementation of the Plan is to recognize, build on, and coordinate the related and complementary efforts underway in Baltimore, as part of achieving better outcomes for young people.

Point of Contact:

Dedra D. Layne, LGSW
Director, Safe Streets Baltimore
Baltimore City Health Department
Office of Youth Violence Prevention
(443) 984-3566
