Banner: Violence Prevention in partnership with the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention

Other Youth Topics


  1. Youth Topics
  2. Violence Prevention
  3. National Forum On Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Memphis

National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention Communities: Memphis

Violent crimes in Memphis have declined since 2006, but youth aged 9-24 represented 54% of arrests for violent crimes in 2009.  Violent crimes involving youth were concentrated in certain areas of the city, and were committed by a relatively small percentage of youth offenders, the majority of whom are in gangs.

Memphis has a vision of a city in which all children and youth are valued and nurtured by strong families and communities, and are fully prepared for lifelong success.  In collaboration with multiple partners, they are working to articulate and implement a plan to prevent youth violence, intervene with youth at high risk for offending, implement enforcement strategies, and assist youth returning from incarceration.

Point of Contact:

Michelle Fowlkes
Executive Director
Memphis Shelby Crime Commission
(901) 527-2600
