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DOL and HHS Work Together to Address Youth Substance Use
While a formal evaluation of the pilot project did not occur, data collection showed the services they received, the impact reported by youth, and the impact reported by program staff. The figure below illustrates the distribution of youth participating in the pilot project.
Key Highlights from SBIRT Pilot
- Raised awareness of drug use and consequences of use among participants in the pilot program
- Pilot programs expressed interest in continuing to use the SBIRT tool following completion of the pilot
- Pilot programs reported that the SBIRT model helped keep the “lines of communication” open regarding drug and alcohol use before and during the follow up phase of programming
- The use of SBIRT provided program staff with a more effective approach to addressing substance abuse/alcohol use
- The use of the SBIRT tool added structure around substance use in programs where there were no policies or procedures before the pilot. Programs reported the new structure led to improved case management and assessment processes