U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Evidence Review
From 2009-2019 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services sponsored an independent systematic review of the existing teen pregnancy prevention literature. The searchable database created as a result of that project lists Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program Models or programs that have shown impacts on teen pregnancies or births, sexually transmitted infections, or associated sexual risk behaviors.
Community Guide
The Guide to Community Preventive Services is a free resource to help choose programs and policies across more than 22 topics to improve health, prevent disease, and enact behavior change in communities. It is a collection of evidence-based findings based on systematic reviews that can be used to determine which interventions have been proven effective, whether said interventions are a good fit for a specific community, and the cost or likely return on investment of an intervention.
Prevention Research Synthesis
The PRS Project identifies evidence-based HIV behavioral interventions (EBIs) to help HIV prevention planners and providers in the United States select interventions most appropriate for HIV prevention within their communities. The Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention contains a comprehensive list of programs that have each been rigorously evaluated and shown to provide significant effects in HIV-related outcomes when tested with a comparison group. Each included EBI provides strong evidence of efficacy.
Evidence-Based Resource Guide Series: Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders
This guide is designed for healthcare practitioners, healthcare system administrators, community members, policy makers, and others working to meet the needs of people at risk for developing, experiencing, or recovering from mental illness and/or Substance Use Disorder (SUD). Each study included in the guide has been reviewed for evidence of measurable change in HIV and mental illness and/ or SUD-related health outcomes. Studies are rated as having “strong evidence”, “moderate evidence”, or “emerging evidence” of a causal impact on positive measurable change in HIV or mental health outcomes.
Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center
The Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center provides communities, clinicians, policy makers and others with the information and tools to incorporate evidence-based practices into their communities or clinical settings. The directory can be searched using a variety of filters including resource topic, health condition, substances, target audience, resource population, resource type, or authorizing organization. Users can opt to analyze evidence reviews on existing programs exclusively.
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network's Measures Review
This searchable database contains detailed reviews of measures utilized in the field of child traumatic stress. The guide provides clinicians and other users with the necessary evidence-based information to determine whether a measure is appropriate for a specific individual or group, including diverse cultural groups. Users are encouraged to review and consider these practices based not only on their levels of evidence but also on their appropriateness for a given community and target population, training requirements, feasibility of adoption and implementation, and potential for sustainability.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) Resources and Programs Repository
This SPRC searchable registry provides a compilation of resources and programs developed by the SPRC and other suicide prevention experts. Select the icon “Display only programs with evidence of effectiveness” in the search column to explore a collection of exclusively evidence-based programs, or programs that have been evaluated and found to result in at least one positive outcome related to suicide prevention. Users can filter their search by key word, date range, resource/program type, populations, settings, topic, strategies, or state.
Evidence-Based Cancer Control Programs (EBCCP)
The EBCCP website is a searchable database of evidence-based cancer control programs and is designed to provide program planners and public health practitioners easy and immediate access to program materials. Users can search listings by key word, program area, population focus, delivery location, community type, age, sex, race/ethnicity, and/or availability of materials.
Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE)
The HomVEE initiative provides a thorough and transparent review of the early childhood home visiting research literature and an assessment of the evidence of effectiveness for home visiting program models that target families with pregnant women and children from birth to age 5.
Assessing the Evidence of Effectiveness of Home Visiting Program Models Implemented in Tribal Communities, Final Report, August 2011
To assess the evidence of effectiveness for culturally relevant models that have been implemented in Tribal communities, a systematic review of the home visiting research literature focusing specifically on studies relevant to tribal communities is presented. The approach was similar to that of the HomVEE review.
Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse
The Self-Sufficiency Research Clearinghouse provides access to materials related to self-sufficiency programs, practice, and research. It can be searched by keyword, topic, category, area of interest, publisher, year, reference type, research methodology, geographic focus, and target population, or you can browse a selection of “popular searches”.
Proven and Promising Responsible Fatherhood and Family Strengthening Initiatives - Evidence Review, 2010-2012
The Strengthening Families Evidence review involved a systematic review of research on the quality of programs serving low-income fathers and couples. Study effectiveness is rated based on the level of confidence the research team had that the study’s research design could determine whether the program caused the reported participant outcomes. Possible ratings are high, moderate, and low.
Pathways to Work: Evidence Clearinghouse
The Pathways to Work Evidence Clearinghouse is a comprehensive, transparent, and systematic assessment of the effectiveness of interventions designed to help job seekers with low incomes succeed in the labor market. Program effectiveness is rated well-supported, supported, mixed-support, not supported, insufficient evidence, or no evidence. Users can filter their search by effectiveness rating, population characteristics, services, state or region, rural or urban setting, or year.
Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse
The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse was established to conduct an objective and transparent review of research on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements. The Clearinghouse rates programs and services as well-supported, supported, promising, or does not currently meet criteria. Users can search programs by name, rating, or program/service area.
Teen Pregnancy Program Evaluations
This website provides access to a meta-analysis of over 40 studies’ teen pregnancy prevention programs to determine what factors shape the effectiveness of TPP programs. The site also includes links to replication studies of programs that have been evaluated as effective against teen pregnancy, as well as impact and implementation evaluations of programs designed for expecting teens, women, and fathers.
Promise Neighborhoods Research Consortium: What Works
The National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Consortium’s “What Works” section offers a variety of evidence-based resources to assist neighborhoods and communities in helping every young person become a successful, productive, and caring adult. Examples of successful evidence-based programs are provided for an array of developmental stages, as are evidence-based practices, policies, nurturing youth supports, and recent neuroscience findings on children’s brain development that dramatically influence behavior.