Featured Grant OpportunitySchool Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) (Funding Opportunity)
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Youth@Work: Talking Safety
This curriculum in occupational safety and health can be used in the classroom or other group training sessions. It is designed to teach core health and safety skills and knowledge, and covers basic information relevant to any occupation. The target audience for the curriculum is high school age students; however, much of the material can be used in post-secondary job training environments like apprenticeship programs. The curriculum includes instructions for teachers and a step-by-step guide for presenting the material. The bulk of the curriculum is focused on teaching fundamental principles of occupational safety that young workers can use on their first jobs and carry with them into adulthood
Federal Agencies
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Federal Departments
Department of Health and Human Services
Employment & Training
Transition Age Youth