Featured Grant OpportunitySchool Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityShare with Youth: NOAA Student Opportunities Database
Featured Grant OpportunityComprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (CPACHE) Program (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityLongitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityResearch and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics (Funding Opportunity)
Resource: Center for Integrated Health Solutions
This website features information to help healthcare providers and organizations learn about Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), an evidence-based practice used to identify, reduce, and prevent the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. The site includes basic information, training materials, workflow charts and diagrams, and information on financing.
Federal Agencies
Health Resources and Services Administration
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Federal Departments
Department of Health and Human Services
Substance Use/Misuse