Featured Grant OpportunitySchool Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityShare with Youth: NOAA Student Opportunities Database
Featured Grant OpportunityComprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (CPACHE) Program (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityLongitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityResearch and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics (Funding Opportunity)
Report: Technology-Involved Harassment Victimization: Placement in a Broader Victimization Context
NIJ-supported researchers from the University of New Hampshire analyzed response data from 791 youth, ages 10-20, related to their experience with technology-involved harassment victimization (PDF, 28 pages). Results show that 54% of harassment was in-person only, 15% involved technology only, and 31% involved both (known as “mixed incidents”). Mixed incidents were more likely to result in overall negative emotional impact, while technology-only harassment incidents were among the least problematic and upsetting to youth.
Federal Agencies
National Institute of Justice
Federal Departments
Department of Justice