Featured Grant OpportunitySchool Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV) (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityShare with Youth: NOAA Student Opportunities Database
Featured Grant OpportunityComprehensive Partnerships to Advance Cancer Health Equity (CPACHE) Program (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityLongitudinal Research on Delinquency and Crime (Funding Opportunity)
Featured Grant OpportunityResearch and Evaluation on Youth Justice Topics (Funding Opportunity)
Public/Private Ventures' Evaluation of Faith-Based Programs
This factsheet reports the initial findings of a demonstration project to observe faith-based organizations providing services to at-risk youth. The project hopes to foster better connections between these organizations and other institutions.
Federal Agencies
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Federal Departments
Department of Justice
Positive Youth Development