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  2. YouthCONNECT
  3. YouthCONNECT



  • Since 2010, youthCONNECT has served more than 17,000 young people, ages 14–24. This includes students impacted by a place-based collaboration through which youthCONNECT partners coordinate services at a single location.
    • The place-based collaboration has resulted in critical lessons, such as the importance of an onsite youthCONNECT coordinator. The approach is now being replicated (and adapted) in other locations, including a large traditional high school in Prince George’s County, Maryland.
  • Program managers in the network worked together on finding ways to address youth transportation challenges. Program managers provided information to the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments to ask that young people’s transportation needs be addressed through the region’s transportation plan. In response, the regional body added a consideration of low-income families’ transportation needs into the plan.
  • The development of a Common Outcomes Framework will drive the network’s assessment of how well it is doing in collectively meeting the needs of young people.